New Poll Shows Strong Opposition to Legalizing Skill Games
Fabrizio Ward and Impact Research, both at the top of their fields, each with partners conducting polling for former President Trump and President Biden’s campaigns, released new polling data that reinforces Virginians’ overwhelming opposition to legalizing dangerous convenient store slot machines.
“The Commonwealth of Virginia has set a precedent of fostering a gaming environment that prioritizes safety and responsibility. This poll is further evidence that voters in the Commonwealth do not believe convenience store slots align with Virginia values and they should remain illegal,” said Nick Larson, spokesman for Virginians Against Neighborhood Slot Machines.
Consistent with their actions during legislative session, proponents of these machines are lashing out, now refusing to sell lottery tickets and threatening funding for Virginia public schools – once again placing their own self-interests above what is best for Virginians.
Governor Youngkin has until May 17 to act on Senate Bill 212 that would allow thousands upon thousands of these machines to operate in Virginia. We encourage him to look at the results below and listen to the concerns of Virginians.
To: Virginians Against Neighborhood Slot Machines
From: Bob Ward, Partner, Fabrizio Ward
Matt Hogan, Partner, Impact Research
Date: May 10, 2024
Re: Virginia Voter Survey Shows Opposition to Legalizing Skill Games
A survey of 500 registered voters was conducted by Fabrizio Ward (R) and Impact Research (D) on behalf of Virginians Against Neighborhood Slot Machines ( The survey was conducted via live telephone interviews (22% landline, 37% cellphone) and online via text-to-web (41%). The margin of error for the survey is ±4.4% at the 95% confidence level.
Eyes are on Governor Glenn Youngkin on what he will do about skill games. In a poll just conducted in the Commonwealth, voters in Virginia, by a twenty-point margin, oppose expanding gambling in Virginia to allow slots-like gaming machines, called “skill games,” in convenience stores, restaurants, bars, and gas stations. A majority, 56%, oppose the expansion, while 36% support it, and 8% are undecided.
Nearly two-thirds (64%) of Virginia voters say that if skill games were to become legal, they believe it is important for their voice to be heard through a referendum.
Youngkin enjoys support from a majority of voters in the Commonwealth for the job he is doing: 53% approve, 36% disapprove. The survey shows Youngkin can grow his support and that his supporters are even more opposed to legalizing skill games than his opponents are. Virginia voters, by a thirteen-point margin, would be more favorable toward Youngkin if he blocked the expansion of skill games; 51% would be more favorable toward him, while 38% would be less favorable. Of the 53% of voters who approve of the job Youngkin is doing, opposition to legalizing skill games is even larger (+30 oppose) than it is among all voters (+20 oppose).
Overall, Virginia, which went to Joe Biden by a ten-point margin in 2020, is once again a purple state with the presidential race between Joe Biden (43%) and Donald Trump (42%) very competitive.
Opposition to legalizing skill games transcends party lines with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats all opposing this expansion of gambling by double digit margins. Similarly, a majority of voters within each media market in Virginia opposes legalizing skill games.
Opposition to the legalization of skill games is higher among the overwhelming majority of Virginia voters who did not visit a casino in the past year. Among the 71% of voters who did not go to a casino in the past year, they oppose legalizing skill games by 34-point margin.
Q. Do you support or oppose expanding gambling in Virginia to allow slots-like gaming machines, called “skill games,” in convenience stores, restaurants, bars, and gas stations?

Voters agree that Virginia’s leaders need to spend more time on the key issues important to them like the economy, property tax relief, and helping seniors, rather spending time on expanding gambling in the state. They are also concerned that legalizing skill games across the states will increase gambling addiction and harm people who can least afford it.
Agree or Disagree?

Considering the issues raised in these statements, opposition to the legalization of skill games increases when asked after their consideration. Prior to hearing the statements, there was a 20-point margin opposing the expansion of gambling into skill games. After the statements there was a 34-point margin opposing. The favorable impact of Governor Youngkin blocking the expansion of gambling into skill games also increased from +13 net more favorable prior to the statements to +26 net more favorable after the statements.
As political attention returns to the Commonwealth, Virginia politicians should take note that a majority of voters are sending a clear message: the expansion of so-called “skill games” to every corner of Virginia is unwelcome and if policy changes, they want a voice at the ballot box.
Universe/Sample Size: Registered Voters, n=500
Field dates: April 26-28, 2024
Hello, my name is _____________ and I’m calling from XXXXXXXX, a national public opinion firm. We’re conducting a public opinion survey among Virginia residents and we’d like to get your input. We are not trying to sell anything, and your answers will remain confidential.
May I please speak with (NAME ON SAMPLE)?
1. Are you over 18 and registered to vote in Virginia?

2. How likely is it that you will vote in THIS NOVEMBER’S election for President, U.S. Senate, and Congress? Would you say you will… (READ)

3. In what year were you born? __ __ __ __ (TERMINATE IF 2007 OR LATER) (9999 FOR REFUSED)

4. What is your gender identity?

5. What is your main racial or ethnic background? (READ/RANDOMIZE 1-5)

6. What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed? (READ)

7. On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means not at all motivated to vote, 5 means somewhat motivated to vote and 10 means extremely motivated to vote, how motivated to vote are you in the 2024 general election for President, U.S. Senate and Congress?

8. If the election for President were held today and the candidates were (ROTATE) Donald Trump, the Republican, and Joe Biden, the Democrat, for whom would you vote? (PROBE: Definitely/Probably) (ROTATE 1-4, 4-1)

9. If the election for U.S. Senate were held today and the candidates were (ROTATE) Hung Cao, the Republican, and Tim Kaine, the Democrat, for whom would you vote? (PROBE: Definitely/Probably) (ROTATE 1-4, 4-1)

10. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? (PROBE: STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT)

11. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump did when he was President? (PROBE: STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT)

12. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Glenn Youngkin is doing as Governor? (PROBE: STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT)

13. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Tim Kaine is doing as Senator? (PROBE: STRONGLY/SOMEWHAT)

14. Do you support or oppose expanding gambling in Virginia to allow slots-like gaming machines, called “skill games,” in convenience stores, restaurants, bars, and gas stations? [IF SUPPORT/OPPOSE: Is that strongly support/oppose or somewhat support/oppose?]

15. Would you be more favorable or less favorable to Governor Youngkin if he BLOCKED the expansion of slots-like gaming machines, called “skill games,” in convenience stores, restaurants, bars, and gas stations in Virginia? [IF MORE/LESS FAVORABLE ASK: Is that much more/less favorable, or somewhat more/less favorable?]

16. If skill games become legal in Virginia, how important is it for you to have a say through a referendum? (READ)

For each of the following statements, please say if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree

22. Having heard more, do you support or oppose expanding gambling in Virginia to allow slots-like gaming machines called “skill games” in convenience stores, restaurants, bars, and gas stations? [IF SUPPORT/OPPOSE: Is that strongly support/oppose or somewhat support/oppose?]

23. Would you be more favorable or less favorable to Governor Youngkin if he BLOCKED the expansion of slots-like gaming machines, called “skill games,” in convenience stores, restaurants, bars, and gas stations in Virginia? [IF MORE/LESS FAVORABLE ASK: Is that much more/less favorable, or somewhat more/less favorable?]

24. How many times have you visited a casino in the past year?

25. With which political party are you AFFILIATED? Are you a… (READ 1-3 AND ROTATE 1-2)

26. Would you say you are (ROTATE) a Liberal, Moderate or a Conservative in your political beliefs? (IF LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE, PROBE: Very/Somewhat) (ROTATE 1-5, 5-1)

27. For whom did you vote in the 2020 Presidential election? If you didn’t vote, just say so. (ROTATE 1-2)

28. DMA/County